Core HR, Benefits and Timesheets enhancements

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  • Budget $1,500.00
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Posted on July 11, 2024


Project Desciption

If you have expertise in solving 2 or more of these issues we are interested in talking to you right away ! 


Position Sync’s Changing Last Job Dates – what syncs and when 

Position Sync changing job and position name reverting to prior name 

Position Sync’s Changing Seniority Dates – what syncs and when 

Sync does not apply for some people (update to position not being applied to person management screen) 

Business Unit/Assignment Name Does not Update with Change – org tree/timecard

secondary assignments – issues with absence accruals 

Why does every rehire start a new record? So many different records and hard to find last term dates

Returning Retirees – difficult to manage work relationships with contingent/non-worker terming and rehiring 

Review Dates and Ratings would need to add action reasons and test with upload to get late review report

Seniority Dates to incorprate Employee Sick and Safe Time (ESST)

Deleting Duplicate dependents (they attach to benefits even when they were not selected as a dependent) Need to delete all associated benefits to remove them. (Even previous years)

Issues with setting people up if they are a current dependent in the system

Paid Parental Leave – not pulling hire date – only last hire date (issue with sync seniority date) Note Rule: need to be employed for 6 months to receive this benefit, but it should be from original start or tenure date or even turned off as this is manually managed by ER.

(payroll issues) employees on leave who have missed paying premiums.It is calculating arrears and pulling as pre-tax. Doubles and Triples the payment. 

Unable to update headcount and FTE for some people

“HSA auto defaults HSA contribution to “”waive”” even if only updating beneficiaries.”

HSA unrestricted life events not calculating correctly if employee’s make changes – getting negative amount and unable to look at prior contributions

“Life Events – need to update like salary change life event so coverage dates are correct

will need to edit fast formula to incorporate different life events that can manage this”

Life Events – loss of coverage and birth – if in waived currently – they do not get plan options

Pending Actions – unable to enter date for birth certificates (error that the date must be before the start of the benefit or something along those lines, but will not work even when trying multiple dates) – can we just get rid of this?

Managing Termination Date and Last Day Worked to allow COBRA/Retiree benefits before term

When a person terminates – unable to account for last payroll timing 

Open Enrollment – intervening life events

Open Enrollment – change dates due to how life events work – affected After Tax/Pre Tax

“Open Enrollment – Error: “”You need to select more options to enroll in this plan. Select at least 1 option.”””

Any FTEs that are 0 will default to a 1 FTE for the annual salary section

Who can access these? Would want HR/HR Liaisons/Managers to have access?

Last Day Worked set up – using notification date vs last day worked so life event can populate and severance can come through

holding data entries – unable to enter items early due to issues

pending workers duplicate

pending workers sometimes have a sync that does not allow changes 

Shift Differentials and out of grade pay – need to add to base vs having separate element/shift differential

HCM Groups – need to add in 2 places (groups) with any changes with position or job

auditing where people are at with arrears, completing enrollments (benefits start at day 1), and making sure overrides are removed once end dated

duplicates out of neotov require duplicate entry into Oracle or the extra pending worker will remain in new hire dashboard.

oracle unable to accept if a department changes before new hire coming back into the system – if changed in NEOGOV, integration will not work

Unable to delete home email from ESS 

pending workers start date showing active before enterprise hire

COBRA/Retiree set up is very difficult and prone to mistakes

PEHC not changing for some people when they transfer/are promoted etc

Unable to use dates that are not the start of the payroll – we need to be able to use off payroll dates for accurate tracking, but it causes issues with payroll.

Unable to retroactively fix records


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